Careers Information and Guidance
The careers programme at Stafford Manor High School has been produced with students at the forefront and in accordance with the ‘Eight Gatsby Benchmarks for good career guidance’.
Stafford Manor High School aims to embed enterprise, employability and quality careers guidance and inspiration into the schools culture and curriculum with a focus on developing structured and sustainable employer partnerships increasing student exposure to the real world of work as part of their preparation for modern life. We believe in developing the employability of students with a focus on skill development, workplace behaviours and exposure to the world of work to enable a successful integration on leaving education into their first job.
The programme has the following themes:
Key Stage 3: During Year 7 pupils will understand the benefits of a good education in allowing them to enhance their career prospects. Through Year 8 students broaden horizons and awareness of careers and the world of work, whilst developing their self-awareness of skills and understanding of their application to future careers. In Year 9 pupils focus on the importance of choosing the correct subjects to study in the next phase of their education to achieve their career goals.
Key Stage 4: Through Year 10 pupils develop skills for employment by developing CV and letter writing skills, as well as mock interviews to focus students on the practical aspects of embarking on a career. Year 11 has a strong focus on ensuring students are fully aware of their post 16 options and what the next stage of their education will be.
Post 16: Students are provided with advice and guidance regarding post 18 options including higher education, apprenticeship routes and alternative options. Students continue to receive quality support in writing of CV’s and personal statements to support UCAS applications. Visits to University, apprenticeship placements and workplaces are all encouraged.
The member of staff who coordinates the careers programme in school is Miss K Burns (Teacher of Maths/Careers Lead). Telephone: 01785 258363; Email:
The school is part of Staffordshire Careers Hub and works closely with the Careers and Enterprise Company to develop the careers programme for students. Stafford Manor High School invests in the services of a professional Careers Advisor, Mrs Y Knight from Entrust, to support appropriately with careers advice.
An audit of careers provision will be carried out annually to ensure suitable progress is being made towards the Gatsby benchmarks. Quality assurance will include the evaluation of the quality of provision, pupil feedback and destination data.
The full Careers Education and Provider Access Policy can be found in the policies section of the school website.
In order to support your child at home with future careers, the following websites might be useful:
Platform to explore University courses and apply to University
‘National Careers Service’ -
Job Profiles: Use the link to access job profiles. Use these profiles to explore your career ideas.
Apprenticeship Service -
This site allows you to search and apply for apprenticeship vacancies.
Icould -
Free access to over 1000 personal video stories, detailed job information, plus practical tips, insight and advice and Labour Market Information
Careers box -
National online careers film and video library. You will be able to watch real people doing real jobs to help give you more of an insight
Plotr -
Play the Game to discover careers that match your personality, interests and skills. Get the free careers magazine on your phone. Look at what the world of work is really like. Then use this knowledge to find the right courses, work experience, apprenticeships, jobs - and more - near you.
‘All about Careers’ -
A careers site highlighting job profiles, updates on job sectors, career matching tool and featured employer links
‘My kinda future’ -
A careers site to build your CV, meet employers and find a job
‘Get my first job’-
A website to look at Apprenticeships and Traineeships
Success at School-
Career advice for schools and students aged 13-19. Search jobs, advice & find out about employers, work experience, courses, career choices, apprenticeships.
National Citizen Service -
Initiative for young people aged 15-17, to develop their skills and have new experiences through attending a 4 week scheme (residential involved).
Push –
All you need to know honest advice on Universities, apprenticeships, gap years and more.
My Higher Education Plus -
The topics/subjects on the website provide guided activities, questions to think about and suggestions for further reading. Each area is produced by Cambridge post-graduates and academics.
‘Not going to University’ -
Website with information relating to post 16 and 18 pathway choices that do not involve solely University.
Uni stats -
Compares University courses and their career/salary prospects upon graduation
The complete University guide -
Central base of information for all things University – league tables, open days, fee information, course searches.
‘Studential’ -
Lots of useful support from personal statement and interview advice to key questions about Higher Education